October 2016 Challenge

Tea Room Challenge Topic
Write a Story, Drabble or Ficlette about the Picture below

                                                                                       ~ Two Solitudes by Steve Walker

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Matched Set

Written for the July 2011 Tea Room Skinny Dipping Challenge.  
This Drabble is part of the *Green Mountain Boys' Skinny Dipping Party

A Matched Set
by Tarabeth

This drouble immediately follows All's Fair in Love and Switching

Miles rolled his eyes at Simon, and his heart filled with glee at his beautifully giggling brat. He reached out his hands and pulled both his naked partners to him.

A yelp erupted from the small circle, and Steve craned his head to try and look at the hand print Simon added to his butt.

Simon smiled. "I thought you'd look better with a matched set. I don't want people to ASSUME you're a well loved brat; I want them to KNOW."

Steve pulled his partners into a tighter hug. He was shocked that he was proud to show off the set of hand prints on his ass—but he also had never thought he would find love like this. Steve took hold of his partner's hands. With Miles on his right and Simon on his left the three lovers laughed as they ran for the river. They danced and splashed in the water until Steve suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Simon asked.

Steve's eyes grew large and his mouth fell open. He was unable to speak, all he could do was point to the two older men—who looked much less conservative without their clothes on.


*This Drabble is set in the Reality Check Universe.  *Reality Check by Natasha is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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