October 2016 Challenge

Tea Room Challenge Topic
Write a Story, Drabble or Ficlette about the Picture below

                                                                                       ~ Two Solitudes by Steve Walker

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Englishmen's Picnic

The Englishmen's Picnic
by Jay



“Knives and forks?”


“Salt and pepper?”

“I’ve filled the cruet in the hamper.”


“In the airtight container.”

“Main course?”

“I made Coronation Chicken last night... with plenty of curry powder.”

“Great, my favourite.”

“Earl Grey tea?”

“I’ve packed the caddy.”



“Primus stove?”

“Oh no, do I really have to carry the primus stove?”

“Of course.  No picnic is worthy of the name without freshly brewed tea.”

“I could make up a thermos of tea instead.”

“If you do that your bottom will finish up hotter than your curry powder.  Do I make myself clear?”

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